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Posts posted by Erox

    Dear Ninja~

    I'm seeking the three top sinister warriors of this era!
    If you think you're the top big bad then prove it by sending a screenshot of your Fame!

    Fill out this form;

    - Name: Erox
    - Title: NinJesus
    - Join Date: 8/15/2019
    - Current Fame: 90 (it must be negative for this event)



    - 1st Place = 5 Coupons, 4 World Blessings, 1 Cashshop Item of your choice and 1 Special Title! (This will be ingame and on the Forums)
    - 2nd Place = 5 Coupons, 2 World Blessings and a Forums Title!
    - 3rd Place = 5 Coupons, 1 World Blessing!
    - Everyone = 1 Participation Event Coupon

    This will end on the 25th!

    Good luck to everyone who participates, you can choose to submit it now or wait until the end of the week to increase your chances!

    • Like 1
  1. Dear Ninja~

    I'm seeking the three top influential warriors of this era!
    If you think you're the top warrior then prove it by sending a screenshot of your Fame!

    Fill out this form;

    - Name: Erox
    - Title: NinJesus
    - Join Date: 8/15/2019
    - Current Fame: 90 (Haha I reset multiple times)



    - 1st Place = 5 Coupons, 4 World Blessings, 1 Cashshop Item of your choice and 1 Special Title! (This will be ingame and on the Forums)
    - 2nd Place = 5 Coupons, 2 World Blessings and a Forums Title!
    - 3rd Place = 5 Coupons, 1 World Blessing!
    - Everyone = 1 Participation Event Coupon

    This will end on the 25th!

    Good luck to everyone who participates, you can choose to submit it now or wait until the end of the week to increase your chances!

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Nik said:

    Oh. In that case, remove the thousand character text at the beginning and replace it with a video explanation that features a well renowned or a group of renowned players that are able to stay on topic and break down what their first couple days of Nin Online will be like. We live in the world of video tutorials atm therefore text tutorials are seen / viewed as annoying or outdated. 

    For reference, I'm talking about the room in the academy that explains everything and you have to press Z a thousand times. Also, for people who aren't new it's amazing to be able to skip the test, but for someone who is new it probably isn't the greatest idea. If the person has played Nin Online before it should register on their IP that they're able to skip the test imo. Then again, what do I know mate? You've done an amazing job leading the Nin Online advancement ever since it was placed in your care and I have full confidence you'll continue to take Nin Online to new heights.


    New idea: in order to focus on player retention, change the way the punishment system works. How can you expect player retention if all you do is ban them? 

    Sure pay for it to be animated and done then send it to Rory for approval, as far as skipping the test. it lets the players know that its not ideal to do so if its their first time playing. finally we dont just ban people, we give everyone the same chances before harsher punishments are emplaced.

  3. 3 hours ago, Nik said:

    Why do people think that there needs to be a fast leveling from 5-15 just curious? People are forgetting the mission that makes you hit level 6 with that extra 300 exp on blessing. Instead of a written Academy you should get a video of someone explaining how Nin Online works and what that person needs to do from level 1-20. 

    5-15 is wack. The leveling should go from 1-20 because that's when 20 arc is. We don't need a level 10 arc. That's just a waste of space imo. It's already fairly easy to hit those levels if you focus on dailies/grinding. What a world we live in where people can't stop crying about hitting Z for a few hours, literally the easiest thing ever. Ancestors die to machine gunners and you guys are like "PLS NO Z"

    Its not about fast leveling, its about giving new player guidance, a direction they can follow while experiencing NinOnline for the first time.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Amaterasu said:

    I personally think Jinchuriki and Special Techniques are extremely high priority, me and a lot others have been suggesting both of these things for YEARS. BUT!!! I think the highest priority should be Advanced Masteries. Hear me out, I know a lot of people have given up on this concept as a whole but think about how the older players would feel if Advanced Masteries were added, everything would come full circle. The addition of Advanced Masteries not only would bring back something that was promised, hot so many players hyped, then was cancelled, but it would bring something that this game sorely needs, DIVERSITY! This addition would easily take the game from being maybe 5 different mastery combinations (let’s me honest everyone just finds the meta and does basically the same thing) to countless play styles. Some people would have wood release, some Blaze Release, Lava, Storm, ALL of it. Not to mention the people who would go double wind for example and be able to finally use that Rasenshuriken that we’ve seen flashed around. Okay i’m done ranting but really take into consideration what this kind of addition could mean for the game and the player base going forward. Thank you for reading <3

    I dont have access to the necessary art to handle this task, i do however understand and agree with Rory's reasoning as of why it was canceled 

    • Angry 1
  5. Buddy, I don't hate you nor do I harbor any personal opinions towards you, You've been given numerous "Last Chances" and both Ueda and I have been more than lenient with you the past few years. I've told you that you're free to play until you break another rule, but I want to note that I don't appreciate this attempt of publicly shaming me.

    So here we are again, You're free to play but this is your Final "Final Chance".

  6. Thank you for voting!
    The council will be..

    @Don Tormenta, @Xerith and @Atrane

    They will have 1 week to decide who the next Hokage will be.
    Decision Process
    1. Discuss as a council whom to ask to be Hokage. If two people can agree on one person, move to step 2.
    2. Approach the ninja chosen and ask if he is willing to commit to becoming Hokage for the next 6 months.
    3. If he accepts, send me his name, else, repeat step 1.

    • Thanks 1