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Slifer last won the day on April 13 2024

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  1. Regardless of whether or not you agree with this, and I definitely agree with this, you have to admit this is one of the most well thought out and structured posts concerning changes to the game. Well done brother.
  2. Counterpoint This isn't a priority and the sarcastic and ignorant remarks on the amount of work required are irrelevant.
  3. Cool idea I guess. People want it so why not include it, sure. Can it be an option though? I do not want it, and a few other ninja have spoken about wanting an option at the least. I want to be able to spam clapping again, but instead I just sit there like some monk.
  4. Dark Weasel gives 440 exp.
  5. Said it before a lot, but a black theme kaku protector would be insane. If I could choose but one cosmetic for this, it would be that.
  6. My idol, Steezo, your hopes are too high for this game. We are all praying for Rory and his ability to continue working and keeping us in the loop, but this is asking too much for now. You will have to lower your expectations or you will ruin your willpower.
  7. I am here in my humble village during the summer, but the grass is red like fall. There is a hint of green, but otherwise I am powerless to escape this season. Bring me back to the grass.
  8. What do you know that we don't :hmm: Is it like actually priority?
  9. Bro made an account yesterday and randomly comments on a toad puzzle post two years old. What the hell.
  10. Slifer


    30 year old genin OLD MAN ALERT
  11. Ok, and what does making it cost ryo do? People still use it just as often as they would if it were free. The only people struggling to use it are lowbies that aren't a threat to begin with. Costing ryo doesn't nerf anything. It still has the exact same properties you described.