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  1. Today
  2. When chopping trees the stump sprite is placed with the wrong z height, shown in the attached image. Edit: The tree sprite keeps the new z height when regrowing, and the issue exists for all tree types.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Good evening, I came to report that my Buttercup account. it was banned for using an exploit and I never used it, in fact I always report the bugs I find to gms and I would like something to be done about it.
  5. Also got this 3 times since some days. It happened when jutsu end or changing map, the map is shaking as there is a bomb somewhere (?) and health and chakra bar are updated with reduced value (like if we don't get the bonus from guild). When it start to happen, it keep happening until we restart the client Today it also started just after having done relaxing spa mission .. (don't remember previous times) It just happen again when leaving med corp, but doesn't repeat after changing map .. look I don't need to restart this time .. also try to understand why it happen but it's a strange one
  6. Yeah it still does happen , but it seems like now it's random and can happen by just switching the map. Although I don't seeem to take any damage anymore , it does remove the Guild Buff from the player (which might have been the case to begin with) and the solution for that for what the community came up with is simply relogging ( but it still happens after sometime) I am not really sure how to reproduce the problem since this happend mostly during spars randomly , but I just noticed that while my mission in game just now was done (Relaxing Spa mission) , the afk mode triggered and my buff disappeard including the extra hp and chakra.
  7. What a fantastic suggestion for a boat ride! It sounds like an amazing way to explore the water and enjoy the scenery. I recently came across this beat 5/5 anh capcut template that would be perfect for capturing the experience.
  8. Last week
  9. I tried my best to it reproduce it in any way that came up to my mind (also did some random group fights) but it’s not happening to me. Does it still happen for you?
  10. If I had to choose between Biomutant and Demon Slayer, I'd pick Demon Slayer. It has a strong story and beautiful animation, which has garnered a lot of praise. Biomutant offers a unique blend of RPG and open-world gameplay but has had mixed reviews. If you're looking for a visually stunning experience with a compelling narrative, Demon Slayer might be the better choice.
  11. That's nice! Even if you don't have a reference for Aruka, feel free to share screenshots of her in game and a biography if you have one! I love reading about people's Naruto/Ninja OCs. Eventually I'll add to this thread with info about my own OC (and maybe other Naruto art) but sadly I've been busy QwQ Having expertise that isn't the usual Nin/gen/taijustu sounds interesting for a ninja character. Look forward to hearing more if you plan to share!
  12. I was doing a couple spars earlier and noticed that my hp bar was being reduced while not hit whenever sub was used This happend a couple times through the day (one time I died while my hp bar wasn't totally drained) Both cases recorded one through stream clip on twitch (Twitch clip shows the damage done by using sub) Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (2).mp4
  13. I've tried to draw something to show here, but after an embarassing amount time trying and failing, I gave up cause I can't draw e.e But I've had this one character for a long time, never pinning out a definitive name or village, but knowing they are an expert in poison and ninja tools/weapons instead of ninjutsu, genjutsu or hand-on taijutsu. After trying the game, I even reset myfirst nin character so I could properly fit it's appearance to the one I imagine such a long time ago. Today, I'd like to believe my in game character is reflecting this old OC a lot, and it's one of the reasons I like to keep myself around. Following the japanese naming convention, I'd call her "Aruka", hehe
  14. Just dropping by.  

    Cool page by the way ^^

  15. Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (1).mp4 @Ueda I think they mean this.
  16. then it's currently bugged to where you can continually mapswap
  17. For anyone else reading this: This should be fixed with the latest update.
  18. Hello Erox and Ueda I found these bugs. One of them is occurring frequently, which is the team bug, while the other (the video bug) occurs when pressing the Ninja panel and changing characters. It pops up the option to choose the mastery
  19. I just had the same issue! My screen went black in that map and i can't do anything
  20. i was playing and i waent to the mape that in the right of snake but whene i entered in the map the screen went black and i cant do anything and i traid with my anthor alt and also the screen went black errors.txt
  21. I love the update - be it stamina or jump. So many people here are so obsessive with PvP that any small change that might make them lose or forced to adapt to something is the end of the world. That’s why some kind of “balance team” or “listen to the community” is not possible cuz everyone will complain the moment the placebo effects kick in after seeing an update that effects combat
  22. Earlier
  23. Once i entered water crossing, I spotted mysterious creature that was lvl0, called "-" and most important, INVISIBLE. It was targetable only by auto targeting and unkillable.
  24. The cutscene that starts when interacting with the lantern locks the player in place. There was no text, just the black bar, and I was able to do anything but move or open UI windows. The situation "resolved" itself when the quest enemy respawned and sent me back to the hospital.
  25. Starter Hairstyle
    This short spiky hairstyle is perfect for plot armor wielding bad asses like you!

    Hairstyle Items
    You can collect multiple hairstyle items and switch between these styles anytime.
    All hairstyles work for both genders. eg. Male characters may use originally female hairstyle items.

  26. The Ninja Academy Event Introduction Hey everyone, I'm excited to announce that the Ninja Academy Event introduction is scheduled for July 27th at 1:00 PM EST. For those who have applied to the Ninja Academy Event series, please let me know if you are unable to attend. For those who haven't applied yet but would like to, you're in luck! Due to increased interest, I will still be accepting applications until July 26th. During the introduction event, I will be assigning ninjas to their teams based on the submitted applications. There will be time for teams to meet and familiarize themselves with the other ninjas participating in this event series. I will also assist in ensuring that teams set up communication channels among themselves, as this will be crucial for the events in the coming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
  27. Hello, Sometimes I leave the dishes in the sink because I'm busy with something else. I know I'll get to them eventually and it doesn't seem like a big deal at the moment. However, everyone else who goes to the kitchen in the meantime is disgusted and might think badly of me. The same goes for the grammar on your quests and stories. You're not on BYOND anymore; there's no excuse to be lazy when there are so many tools available to enhance your writing. ChatGPT 3 and Grammarly are free and can help significantly. This might seem like a minor issue, but I believe it's like a scratch or a dent on a car—the art is more appreciated without these imperfections. Bottom line; have someone make sure the paint is polished and shiny so the car sells better.
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