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  1. This topic has been brought up as many times as @Feinzin nin discord, but here's another suggestion: @Ueda you said you want the game to be a hard-core experience, and that's fine. But the Mist Village is lacking a severe amount of players despite having the most fun organization buff, a fun passive (IMO), the best village weapon, and a really cool village asthetic that you spent over a year working on. Why is it dead despite being a really cool village? The boat ride. Here's my 2 suggestions to change this problem. 1. When a mist ninja VILLAGER (Excluding rogues) goes to the ferry man, he would have a new dialogue saying; "Ah, a fellow Blood Mist ninja. I will help you destroy our enemies by granting you a free ride to the mainland and a faster route." - Free ride and faster route. Maybe by 2.5 minutes to the mainland making it 2.5 minutes there and 2.5 minutes back for a total of 5 minutes sitting on a boat doing nothing instead of 10 2. Reduce the amount of bears spawned in the 2 maps after port. It's awful as a low level mist ninja to have to evade 2-3 maps of very strong and high level mobs. Please reconsider this, @Ueda. Mist village is really cool and you spent too much time and effort to let it die like this.
  2. Hello shinobi of the Kirigakure no Sato. My name is Yukimaru, born and raised in Yukigakure. After my whole famile got wiped out by foreign raiders, I've dedicated myself to become a true shinobi, both in mind and body. This is the beginning of my story. I've created this journal to document my adventures and future achievements that will be taking place in the world of Nin Online. Reserved
  3. Hello Nin Onliners and welcome to the Mastery Guide of Nin. This Guide will give you a rough summary of what each Mastery is about and the playstyles revolving said masteries. Also, the current High to bottom tier of each mastery. I will also update that tier list every month due to the "Metta" always changing. *Please Note: If you pick a mastery strictly because it is top tier at the moment or high in the Metta food change just keep it mind it does change. Choose a mastery because that's who your ninja character is not because it's the hot thing. Also this is my view on each mastery and not the actual lookout on them from Rory's perspective or the rest of the community so please don't bash or slander what is said here but simply provide positive feedback until the topic is locked.* List of all Masteries Fire Water Earth Medic Lightning Weapon Master Wind Taijutsu Bubble ------------------------------------------- Tier List Tier S - Weapon Master (Int), Fire, Wind, Tier A - Water, Lightning, Earth Tier B - Int Medic, Chakra Medic, Tier C - Bubble, Fan, Taijutsu, Gentle Fist, Weapon Master (Str) Tier D - *Fire/ Int Weapon Master has been moved to S tier due to the high damage they can do in a burst now. Bubble moved to a High C tier/Lower B tier due to its melee damage scaling properly and Kunais as well as the coming buff. Fan, taijutsu, gentle fist, and str weapon master is now C due to the current stamina system * Also, this Tier list is how I see them and not the collective of the community. Tier List is also Subject to change along with the Meta. ----------------------------------------------- Fire - Fire is one of Nin's most original masteries and was one of the first created in the game. Fire mastery is used a lot by new players and experienced ones due to the fact that their abilities have a lot of Crowd Control with long range and High Base Damage. The Jutsus of the fire mastery can damage multiple opponents at once and cause a Damage over Time Burn status to who is hit increasing the damage output of that jutsu. Fire is GREAT for training and farming for items in the game. The downside to using fire however is that the jutsus take a moderate amount of chakra to use and several of the jutsus require you to cast, aim, and you can even get self-stunned from using them. Water - Water is one of the most balanced masteries Nin can offer and has nice utility with its jutsus. Water has some of everything that everyone likes when it comes to playing the game. Crowd Control, Stun, and Knockback are things people like and this is where you can get it. Water is great for training and it's jutsus aren't as hard to land as some of the other masteries. Water has a second substitution jutsu which comes in handy with escaping and has a stunning jutsu called Water Prison. Water is overall balanced in terms of damage and chakra cost making it new player friendly and easy to use. The downside of water is that Water prison takes a while to master so don't expect to land it in fights at levels 1 and 2. Water Shark is also terribly hard to land due to you needing to stand still and cast it giving your opponent time to evade the move. Bubble - "Who's your bubble buddy? That's right I am!" Bubbles utilize a weapon known as a Bubble Pipe which can only be used as a Neo - Mist Ninja. These Pipes require 20 strength and allows you to place bubbles on the ground that snare opponents. Bubble users aren't the best damagers at moment but that may change in the future who knows! Bubble has quite the utility ranging from several jutsus that stun such as Great Bubble Shark, Soap Bubble, and Bubble Spray! These jutsus will keep you snare locked and make you think twice about running into a bubble. We have SpongeBob beat at blowing bubbles because ours are deadly! Moderate Chakra Cost, Average Damage, and Great Support/Utility is what this mastery brings you. You also have a deadly Bubble Clone that hits like a truck but can easily be popped by a needle so WATCH OUT!! Bubble Pipe can only be used with the water mastery now. Choose your path Wisely. Earth - Earth is 1 of the most crowd control-oriented masteries and most defensive mastery in the game. Earth allows you to knockback, snare, and slow several opponents at once with its jutsus and even gives you the ability to create an Earth Wall which can repel most if not all ranged attacks until it's destroyed or disappears. Earth has 1 of the best AOE Snaring jutsus in the game as well called Earth Prison which allows you to bind several opponents at once at given levels. Earth revolves around team play mainly due to its innate nature to Crowd Control everything it also has great synergy with almost every elemental mastery. The down side with earth is the Chakra cost on a few of the moves and the need to stand still to cast the jutsus. If you can manage with that its good. Lightning - The Mastery that rules Stuns; Lightning is a deadly mastery but takes a lot of skill to use solo. Lightning has 4 stunning jutsus one of them being the famous Lightning Cutter Technique that sets up for outstanding combos and does great damage. Lightning is great in 1v1 battles and team battles due to their stuns and the little crowd control that they have from the jutsu Lightning Current. Lightning cutter also sets up combos for teammates. Training wise lightning is a little slower than most masteries due to not having not as much Crowd Control. It's more of a single target mastery. The downside of lightning is that the jutsus require precision and timing to land certain moves and requires a decent amount of chakra as the moves cost quite a bit. Wind - A strong wind that can blow you away! Wind is a mastery that consist of High damage and Long range techniques. Jutsus Like drilling air bullets or vacuum sphere has high damage and long range going up to 15 tiles away. Wind requires great accuracy when using it's jutsus with moderate to high chakra cost. The highest chakra costing jutsu cost 52 chakra but does high damage as a result. Wind also has the ability to knockback the opponent but again only if you can land the jutsu. If you're from the Neo-Sand Village Wind also has a sub path which uses Fans and the strength stat instead of the intelligence stat. Fan - Fan is a mastery than uses tools to blow strong winds and force you to fly in the direction they want you to. They have Close to Mid Range fighting capabilities and if you take them lightly they will make you pay for it. Using signature jutsus like Slashing Tornadoes to set up combos and knocking enemies back and slowing them with skills like Wind Mask make them a threat. Moderate Chakra Cost with great damage. A little slower than other masteries but the burst damage is great. They can cause bleeding with slicing winds from a distance and create cyclones right in front of them. With great crowd control and the use of a fan you'll have a hard time getting close to them. You better pray they don't have a blue fan also because if they do Lord help you. Fan can only be used by Wind users now Choose your path Wisely. Medic Int - Sinner and Saint; Medics keep the game going and keep the players surviving any creature or opponent they face. Medics have 2 different playstyles with the Intelligence path revolving around Poisoning their opponents and the Chakra path which supports his teammates and himself through heals while dealing moderate damage. The Poison path for medics is a grueling path early on due to the need for tools to cast 1 of the jutsus, but as you progress it gets moderately better as you unlock 2 other poisoning jutsus that help with training that cost nothing but chakra. this path also allows you to learn Curse Mark which allows you to boost all your stats by a set percentage based off your overall chakra. As a poison medic you also have better synergy and a better chance at getting a mastery that works well with it mainly an elemental. Due to recent changes however you can not use this path and cast healing techniques on teammates as they share cooldowns so decide properly in the middle of combat. If you're ok with using only 3 jutsus to deal damage you will survive the grueling training, but if you can not then my friend its ok for there is always another path to take. Chakra -The Chakra path for medics has it harder early on than the other path due to you needing tools to level until level 15 where you get chakra scalpels. Chakra Scalpels will be chakra medics main source of damage as well as Throwing Senbon. The Chakra path can apply a lot of pressure in combat due to the need to not charge chakra as often as most people in the game. They can also solely focus on 2 stats; HP and Chakra which makes them a force to be reckon with. However, if you cannot land melees or Senbon the other path may be better for you because this path takes more skill to deal damage but on the bright side your healing abilities will make you a nuisance throughout the game. Choose your path Wisely. Weapon Master Strength - What's hotter than someone with a sword? Strength weapon masters have the ability to use swords to hack and slash at the opponent and dwindle down their HP using sword-based attacks. Harder time training due to needing to be in close range to land blows but if you can stick it through weapon masters are great in the end game experience and in Combat against other players. Feeling bored? You can always get some friends and go fight bosses to achieve a stronger and better sword! In the future weapon masters combined with elemental masteries will gain enhanced sword abilities that give their swords other little things like burn, stun, knockback, slow and so on. There is always a new sword coming out as well so never be bored as there are continuous bosses to fight or bosses to be added they drop new swords. Weapon Master Intelligence - The Intelligence path for weapon masters is mainly played as a second option and not a first. Reason stating...RYO! This mastery is a money sink and if you don't have the money or the means to make the money to use this path of the weapon mastery then don't go it. However, if you can handle the costly need for ninja tools to use your jutsus this mastery is great! Low Chakra cost, Great Damage, and Great Crowd Control is what this path offers. You also have the ability to set traps in preparation for raids or to block enemies from getting through locations. This path excels in team gameplay due to these traps but is tougher to use in 1v1s as the opponent can just avoid your traps. This path also has some of the nicer animations and cool tricks for example: Shadow Shuriken warps you to your opponent if you land it. Exploding Kunai causes a nice size explosion when maxed and it hits someone or something dense. Choose your path Wisely. Taijutsu Agility - Agility Taijutsu use to be one of the best masteries and still is if used correctly. It offers a second substitution jutsu to evade jutsus, knockbacks that can interrupt casting, low cooldowns, a stun, and consistent DPS. Moves like Seismic Dash combined with Body flicker gives you the opportunity at easy damage and low cooldown moves like Breaking Kick offer you the ability to continuously pressure your opponents into a corner as you rush them swinging your fist and your legs in this case. 2 of its other jutsus offer great range and 1 of them even stuns the opponent for a slight second! If you build your character correctly you can even combine it with elements like Water (Tai Water FTW) or Fire. The best synergy with this mastery is Medic due to Chakra Scalpels and Agility working together to give higher damage output when punching your opponent. The downside of being agility taijutsu is that the jutsu damage/scaling isn't as good as the other masteries as well as the mastery not having any other mastery that is based off agility. Taijutsu Strength - The sub path of agility taijutsu is its strength counterpart called Gentle Fist. Gentle Fist has higher base damage/scaling and a good variety of jutsus. Jutsus like 16 Palms if landed can silence your opponent for x duration and drain their chakra over time causing them to constantly need to charge. They also have Rotation which allows them to knockback opponents if surrounded but this jutsu you don't get until you are higher level and train one of the other jutsus to achieve it. Some of the other jutsus of this sub path cause knockbacks and stuns as well but give a higher damage output than its brother Agility taijutsu. Focusing more on burst damage than DPS this mastery can offer some good follow ups. Downsides of this path is that it only has 1 substitution and its the basic one so you only have 1 chance to evade a jutsu. This mastery also has higher chakra cost than the other path with a couple jutsus that have cast times. On the bright side because you are strength based, you can combine this mastery with the likes of Strength weapon master to maximize damage output. However there is no advancement if you combine the two but there will be advanced gentle fist in the future. Choose your path Wisely.
  4. Don Tormenta

    Battle on going

    From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

  5. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

  6. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

  7. Shijie

    Bridge Hold

    From the album: Disqualified

    @Leiting, @Kureji, @Adult Sasuke, @Giyu, @Kyuzo, @Feinz and some others I forgot names of.
  8. Shijie

    Memorable Events(ii)

    From the album: Disqualified

    @Leiting, @Zabuza Momochi, @Zoomy, @Kaigen, @Yaasukee, @Nitche, @Asmita and a lot more I forgot names of.
  9. Shijie

    Memorable Events

    From the album: Disqualified

    @Leiting, @Zabuza Momochi, @Izuno, @SaphV2, @Shoichi As screenshot is a lot older, I forgot some names.
  10. What would everyone think of a team tournament? Teams of 4 enter the tournament with a 4k ryo entry fee, they will fight to death winners of the tournament runs away with big ryo prize. If I can get the support of GM the tournament will be held in a large map big enough for 4v4 However if no GM would want to help the tournament would have to be private so no scums come and ruin it the captain of each team would meet me in game pay the entry fee and a discord link will be sent to their dm's instantly. Once in the discord server further details of location and other stuff will be released to the players and the day of the tournament everyone will meet at the location fight it out team vs team until there is 1 team standing: 1st- 20k (5k per player) 2nd- 12k (3k per player) 3rd- 8k (2k per player) It would be a lot better if a GM would help support this idea as then no one would have to through the work of making and joining discord servers and keeping it private so people don't bombard the tournament, entry fee will still be needed as all ryo is coming out of my pocket and if GM would like to help they can possible add other prizes and maybe we can make this a bi-monthly tournament or even monthly tournament. Let me know how you feel about this and if you have any suggestions this was just an idea I came up with while bored in an exam so it will not be perfect.
  11. It's come to my attention that most people who first choose the medic mastery often times reset their characters, due to the difficulty it is to level up against mobs, and depending on the dailies you get, it makes traveling to other villages a nightmare as you tend to get killed on the way there, or on the way back with an item that drops upon death for said mission. My idea would benefit all villages, all players, and hopefully bring more medic/support players to the table. My idea you ask? Granting xp upon healing another player via Treat Wounds, as well as granting xp on reviving players (and other support jutsu excluding cursemark). This would give more urgency (especially during raids) for teams to work together. Another idea, if simply using the jutsu seems too unbalanced, then perhaps granting an item that allows for xp to be obtained while using said medical jutsu, such as surgical gloves, or a headpiece.
  12. I'd like to propose that new seating be added to The Indoor Marketplace. The majority of activites between Mist villagers and Shinobi take place in the Indoor Market but there is no seating avalable, were left with sore feet from standing/spectating indoor duels. Not to mention the Participants of these duels must be sorer than all of us put together. So i ask you to please renovate the seating area in The Indoor Market. Thank you, sincerely. -Hel of The Mist Med Corps
  13. Hi everyone ! New content today. Mist and Akatsuki joined their force to beat Sand village but .... Sand is Supreme !!! I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for good Feedback
  14. Hello fellow Mist Villagers! I am glad to announce the new joint event that will be hosted next Saturday at 12 PM EST{23rd of May} by Mist higher-ups and Imperial Academy, the event will be a culmination of events, having both PvP and RP aspects, details are given below. Mizukage's Speech{The Beginning Of The festival}:- First Mizukage will start off the event with a small speech of motivation and will give his Shadow Council to state the general events that will take part in the festival, their time and hosts, lastly the Founder and Headmaster of the academy will give respective speeches and will start the festival with Enrollment exams. Note: This will take place at 12 PM EST. Enrollment Exams:- Hosted by Imperial academy itself, will be an event consisting of both PvP and RP aspects. The pass outs for these exams will be granted Initiate Students rank in the academy and will receive tutoring from hand picked teachers by Mizukage/Founder/Headmaster. Note: This event will take place right after the speech. Level Requirements: 12 level or above. Capture The Flag Event:- Consisting of three rounds, three-man team, the genins under level 35 will be allowed to participate in the event and will be rewarded on their performances. Note: This event will take place right after the Enrollment Exams. Level Requirements: 35 level or below. Break of 15 minutes. Senior Students Exam:- After the break, one of the most important exams/events of this festival will start, the exams to decide the potential candidates to hold important postions in academy and they will be nurtured heavily. The Initiate students who are level 35 or above are allowed to participate in the exams. Note: This event will take place right after the break. Level Requirements: 35 level or above. Fishing Event:- To lighten the mood of the festival an RP event will be held and all mist villagers will be allowed to participate, following the traditions of their ancestors, they will fish in the flowing rivers around the mist village. Best RP'ers will be rewarded. Note: This event will take place right after the Senior Students' Exam. Break of 45 minutes, other ranked mist ninjas can use this time to host their own events. Mist Tournament:- Mist Festival will end with 1vs1 Single elimination tournament for 41-60 levels and 20-40 levels. Lastly, if you're not yet part or in the Academy's Discord, you can PM me on forums and I will invite you.
  15. Hello, This post was made to let the players know about the Event Rotation system I've been working on in hopes to better schedule not only event's but my personal life around NinOnline, in this post i'm going to discus each event, rules and the details concerning them and the Category of which they reside in. Major Event Chunin Exams This is a village based event based around Promotions and stages of exams which focus on different aspects of game play such as Teamwork, Individual Skill and Character. Note that the Kage can choose to promote based on whatever he deems worthy. It's an RP/PVP Event and should be treated as such. Rules Stay in character Follow the directions of the Kage, Proctor's and attending NinOnline Staff Don't spam the chat Stay Online and Active War Event I have no information on how I will run this event as I haven't seen or been shown how to do so yet. so for now know i'm working on figuring that out! Minor Event Tournament's Players will be matched up in a traditional seeding Bracket, which can go from 1v1's to 4v4's Rules No Pill's, Oil's, Summon's or Org Items Charms are allowed Survival Event Players join in an all out war where everyone is fending for themselves alone, the goal is to be the last man standing. Rules No Org Items Pill's, Oil's and Summon's and Charms are allowed Teaming is not allowed Free For All Players will fight until the last man standing, FFA's usually take place after tournaments or other miscellaneous events. Rules No Org Items Pill's, Oil's and Summon's and Charms are allowed Teaming is Allowed until the final 4 Quiz Players will take place in a quiz that can be based on either NinOnline or the Naruto Universe Rules Don't Attack or use Jutsu Follow the direction's of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff Don't Flicker out of the box's Paper Rock Scissors Player will take turns playing paper rock scissors against other players Rules Don't make your move until the /321 emote is finished "Go" Capture the Bell Player's will battle to take control of the bell, the last person to hold the bell at the end of the 2 minute timer wins Rules Don't start until the /321 emote is finished "Go" Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff Retrieve the Bell Two teams of 4 will compete against each other to grab the enemy's bell and take it to their teams side Rules Don't start until the /321 emote is finished "Go" Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff Player Made Event's Player's are encouraged to plan their own events and can submit them to any NinOnline Game Master Rules Follow the directions of the Host or attending NinOnline Staff Forum Event RP Story This event can change in many ways, but the main point to stay in character and build some type of story Note's: When inquiring to join any of these events (Aside form Major Events) refrain from spamming the Host or attending NinOnline Staff's PM's Most event's will be Scheduled in advance from this point on, this does Include Player Event's if given enough time in advance to prep for it Thank you! ~Erox#3942
  16. I saw the sprite sheet that @Ueda submitted and decided to make both of my characters (in the oufits they will eventually have ig) Thanks for the Sprite sheet Rory
  17. Hello Mist Village, as the Second Mizukage I was given the oppurtunity and power to choose 3 Clans that will be represented in the Shadow Council of the Mist Village. As the clans have already elected and told me their Clan Leader, I will gladly also announce the Representives for the Shadow Council. The 3 Clans that I chose are: Sakame Hoshi Murasame Clan Leader: Clan Leader: Clan Leader: Anborn Deviax VestaOrion Congratulations @Anborn, @Deviax and @VestaOrion. I'd also like to use this opportunity to officially announce the MMPF-Chief of the Mist Village: Congratulations @Maj. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be held a (RP) Ceremony to briefly introduce myself and the new Shadow Council. After the introduction we will hold a Free-For-All Tournament (FFA). For those that want to participate in it, there will be a price (Ryo) for the winner. Where: infront of the Chunin Exam Registration Building (located north, inside the Mist Village) When: This Friday, the 19th July at 4 PM EST I hope to see as many people as possible. ~Second Mizukage („The Unbreakable Blade“) Kureji