
Gold Ninja
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Posts posted by Seifer

  1. You can only get into Sand by paying them a bunch of ryo or else they will ignore you. There is no RP behind it, nor does the ryo go towards any events. Rory supports this 100%. Save your money for your new rogue-life home instead, until the ridiculous rent amount kicks you from there too. Actually, I checked and the pricing for homes is very affordable. Cheers.

  2. Weapons should specialize in one area so that they are on a horizontal tier and suit different play styles . This means that a weapon should have +5 int stat, another weapon +5 chak, another weapon +5 fort etc. They can even have regeneration perks on them. They cannot however, have a bunch of different stats in small quantities in the same sword with a scaling strength number.

    Also I am bummed there is another sword out there that is better than Kyoketsukki. Impossible to achieve and makes the person having it OP for no reason. Asarihanma and Yamazaru 85+knockback/90+reg? :(

  3. On 8/21/2021 at 12:14 PM, Wanheda said:

    Butch Queens bout to defend the most broken mastery this game has 

    It is really not broken when compared to stuff that every other kit has. GF's combo does a little over 300 dmg. Poison scalpel for the longest time was doing 1k+ dmg combos. I do not think GF is OP, but I do not think the kit is very likeable nor ideal to everyone's image of what GF should be. That's why I always propose a rework instead of a nerf/buff.

  4. As @Kronkaro said, Gf should be centered around Pressure Point. At it's simplest, GF should be about chakra draining enemies and causing internal organ rupters through precise strikes. GF's techniques have always been evolving stances and prolonging attacks. Sadly right now it is mostly a copy pasta of AGI taijutsu with no range.

    Pressure point is useless as it stands. The damage it gives is not worthwhile at all. The cancel of the jutsu, or feint leaves a GF user with a timer that lasts longer than the battle. Most people do not bother with it and simply use a sword. The problem is, pressure point is the main link to GF's kit and I will tell you why. Pressure point is what allows a user to confidently chase the enemy, forcing them to not be able to spam a combo without moving.  This closing in range is what links the GF's combo. In short, Pressure point is so weak and useless that GF's do not have enough pressure to use their other abilities without flicker.

    SO, fixing pressure point by removing the timer and adding chakra drain would be a quick fix to GF. HOWEVER, long term wise, MC/Palm should be changed to differentiate from AGI and help support chasing the enemy like a dash.

    • Like 5
  5. tldr; rework jutsus and basic to more chakra drain and differentiate from AGI.

    Every kits combo does more damage than GF. The only thing that keeps it alive for the player base is flicker because without flicker it is near impossible to land its moves simply because the range is minuscule and in the actual game (not forced 1v1's), people will hit and run on GF users whom have no counter.

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    • Funny 1
  6. @Atrane@Hageshi

    Sensory definitely makes sense to counter it. I just hope I do not see people spamming it everywhere due to paranoia. Last thing I need to hear is that high pitch SHHRRRK.

    Maybe Rory can add a whole new level of Sensory just to counter transformation jutsu in addition to cloaks.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Hageshi said:

    I feel like Sensory should be able to pop the transformation jutsu. Also transforming into GMs shouldn't be a thing ?

    But yeah over all GREAT addition. 

    Also, for boxes you selfcast (with ALT) 

    Ooooo, thank you ^^

  8. This jutsu is super fun to mess around with and changes battle strategies completely. Gj @Uedaon this one ^.^ I believe the maps need an update of items to transform to in order for this jutsu to reach its full potential. Cacti, barrels, shrubbery and NPC's among other things should be added everywhere. This way people will not be very confident on what is out of place. Having names changed to the thing you have become would help too, but masking works for now. All a WiP I suppose.

    On a side note, I hope we get clone jutsu back with this.

    Btw, how are people turning into boxes? ?

    • Like 1
  9. I was thinking about this and I would have to say ants should give mandible kunais (str melee weapon). It would be like the regular holding kunai, but a cooler skin that looks like an ants mandibles, one in each hand. It could also drop an antennae headband (head cosmetic).

    Sand can have a scarab boss that drops a gourd (back cosmetic) and a scarab back shell (back cosmetic) like sasori has.

    Leaf's rat boss should drop whiskers (mask) and a staff made out of bones and tail (int melee weapon).

  10. One of the bandit houses should have a unique store with snow/bandit related items. Another should have characters with a story as to why the bandits are there, what they are doing, and more.

    The area to the left of wolves should become a small village with purchasable homes! :)

    • Like 1
  11. The forum looks great @Ueda!

    I like that it is easier on the eyes. I never like forums that has everything super bright. Hopefully you can add a way to customize textbox backgrounds and a light/dark mode switch.

    Ranks and badges are good motivators to have more forum communication going on. Another great idea are avatar borders. :)

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