
Silver Ninja
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Luhan last won the day on October 4 2023

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    Leaf Village

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  1. yeah I have this exact problem - game is unplayable sadly (ignore the quality, didn't change resolution settings on OBS but look at the random stutters in cha charging . player movements.) 2023-10-31 23-09-48.mp4
  2. Since the Version 4.6.5b Patch a number of players with higher ping, reported random stutters in game. @Ueda I'm not sure if this is something to do with the improved 1-25ms "Improved responsiveness to Chakra Charging, Movement and Attacking". It legit feels like fps lag but is definitely not performance issue but rather server side. Players TP around on my screen. Anyone else experienced this?
  3. thanks you for the post / mention Here are my ideas: I had this in mind: Since most recolors would be Red, White, Black Ragged Robe (White) Ragged Robe (Black) Ragged Poncho (Black) Ragged Poncho (White) Double Bandages (Black)
  4. Some say these 3 cursed pumpkins kill all in sight, leaving only but their eggy remains. . . These pumpkins plague the farmlands . . . or was it Luhan? ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
  5. Luhan

    Holy Fame Wars

    Name: Luhan- Title: Ninja - Join Date: 2/16/2020- Current Fame: 123
  6. Way of the Dragon - aka the one.trick.flick. .
  7. The Crescent Moon Beheading Technique is a Sword Technique allowing a Swordsman to cut their target on the neck level to decapitate them from a range of within 2 Tiles, immobilizing the user for 1 second in the process. It has a cast time of 1 seconds and allows the caster to move during this period, though at a slow pace. Upon impact, it knocks back the target and inflicts bleeding in addition to damaging the target. This technique requires the user to: have the Weapon Mastery have a minimum of 50 strength have a level of 30 or above This technique scales with the Strength statistic.
  8. The Wild Slashes Technique is a Sword Technique, allowing a Swordsman to perform consecutive strikes around them, creating small projectiles which travel in all directions and move up to 4 tiles. These projectiles inflict damage and bleed on targets once hit. This technique has a cast time of 1 second and allows the caster to move during this period. This technique requires the user to: have the Weapon Mastery have a minimum of 40 strength have a level of 25 or above This technique scales with the Strength statistic.
  9. The Blade Piercing Technique is a Sword Technique, which immobilizes a Swordsman for 1 second, allowing them to lunge their weapon quickly, increasing its reach by 6 tiles, damaging all targets in its range, and inflicting bleed damage. This technique requires the user to: have the Weapon Mastery have a minimum of 35 strength have a level of 20 or above This technique scales with the Strength statistic.
  10. The Risky Blade Dance Technique is a Sword Technique, allowing a Swordsman to move almost instantaneously to their target over up to 6 tiles range before performing a quick upward slash inflicting damage on the target, immobilizing the swordsman for half a second. It has a cast time of 1 second, allowing the user to move during this period. This technique requires the user to: have the Weapon Mastery have a minimum of 25 strength have a level of 15 or above This technique scales with the Strength statistic.
  11. The Shockwave Slash Technique is a Sword Technique, allowing a Swordsman to strike their blade swiftly through the air creating a projectile, which travels up to 9 tiles damaging enemies on impact. It has a cast time of 1 second, allowing the caster to move during this period. This technique requires the user to: have the Weapon Mastery have a minimum of 15 strength have a level of 10 or above This technique scales with the Strength statistic
  12. Heya! Quick question, would like if staff / developer could answer this... Does investing points in Agility increase sword attack speed? or even Crit Chance? (saw Crystal sword has Agi stat which is interesting) anyway ty!
  13. only planned on doing that if it went unseen / un noticed - but you replying here means it has been seen. Arigato!