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Everything posted by Civil

  1. there for the naked sand village girls.
  2. Hopefully the exp they cheated their way thru was rolled back.
  3. Leadership is not judged by the man's rank, its what he can truly bring to the table. Keep that in mind boys and girls.
  4. Is the server down right now? because i cant get online.

  5. Hopefully they're well organised, the last event i attended was very sloppy. But, overall the ones I popped up for was fun and well balanced for the most part.
  6. Free smoke, Free smoke aye!
  7. dang, when is this server going back online :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Manon
    3. Manon


      t just says its offline when its up for soke reason


    4. Manon


      im playing it rn