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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Bounty Hunting Daily Missions available from level 21 onwards! Highly rewarding missions that involve claiming a certain amount of Ryo from any Bounty Station. As long as you have ryo to collect it works! You can start killing enemy ninja with ryo so that you can claim their bounties for the mission once you receive it. Lv 21-30: Bounty Hunting I (Claim 20 Ryo) Lv 26-35: Bounty Hunting II (Claim 30 Ryo) Lv 31-40: Bounty Hunting III (Claim 40 Ryo) Lv 36-45: Bounty Hunting IV (Claim 50 Ryo) Lv 41-50: Village's Most Wanted I (Claim 75 Ryo) Lv 46-50: Village's Most Wanted II (Claim 100 Ryo)
    14 points
  2. Rubberbanding is fixed. -No more rubberbanding when using Body Flicker Technique to enemies. -No more rubberbanding when Players or NPCs stun you. -No more rubberbanding when you get knocked back. -No more rubberbanding when your Substitution Technique is activated. -No more complaining!? Wind Mask now activates Substitution Techniques Buttery PvP & PvE Engine now supports decimal place stun durations eg. 0.1s, 0.5s, 2.5s stuns.
    6 points
  3. Once this competitions ends, let's turn this into the start of the official post your screenshots here topic haha. @Emiya
    3 points
  4. We are naked, we are forever. Also, Rory is the best. I died shortly after taking this screenshot. NakedKage will never die. Rory has joined the ranks. ~ Neo-Naked ~ Welcome to my office.
    2 points
  5. Colliding Wave Technique no longer instant casts at Rank 3. Nerfed flat Chakra Scalpel Technique damage bonus to match that of Pressure Point Technique.
    2 points
  6. Just an extra one to use in the future
    2 points
  7. Added optional readable books in each academy that contain knowledge on various less vital subjects in the game. Mutant Rat spawns are now random. Daily Missions no longer give Holiday Tokens.
    2 points
  8. Fixed description of Sensory Manual Fixed Water Substitution Technique and Speed Mirage Technique giving damage bonus. Christmas event items are now tradeable.
    2 points
  9. 1 point
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