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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2017 in Posts

  1. Hello everyone, I am disappointed at the fact that I even have to post this, but I am going to in order to re-iterate what the forums conduct is supposed to be. Recently I have been seeing more people bashing each other, and bringing up unrelated topics on the forums. The forums are for everyone to share their opinions and beliefs about where the game should go, what is happening in the game, important in-game events etc. It is NOT for making forum posts about other people that might shine a negative light on them. If there is a problem with a person, someone from the mod team will take care of it. Please remember, just because someone might have an unpopular opinion, or thought, does not make them a horrible person just because you don't agree. We are open to constructive criticism and are willing to listen to the community in order to make the game and forums a better place. Sincerely, Tsubaki Senju, Chuunin/Medical Director at the Hidden Leaf Village Hospital
    1 point
  2. Should try practicing what you preach and leading by example.
    1 point
  3. What kind of person could have done something so mean on this forum that it caused a mod to make a topic because of it. God that guy must be such an ass hat Seriously guys, be nice to each other c:
    1 point
  4. It's immature, because all it's going to do is cause a lot friction, whereas what they could do is put it down into a paragraph or something, but showing it along the lines of more as a suggestive idea rather than a criticism which is aimed at another player.
    1 point
  5. Introduction When you become a Gold Ninja or Silver Ninja, you will be given a wide variety of perks that will benefit you both in-game and on the website. You can become one by purchasing it. Both 1 Display Name changes per year. Game Special name and chat color. Website Profile Backgrounds and Songs. Badge which displays on your forum profile, threads, and posts. 500 MB upload limit instead of 5. Gallery able to create custom albums and higher upload limit. Unlimited personal messages rather than 500. Access to the Ninja Hideout forum that has special announcements that are not publicly made available. Cash Shop 10% discount in the Cash Shop. This is a one time payment and lasts forever.
    1 point
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