Kakashi Sprite(Kubikirib�ch�/No Kubikirib�ch�)


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Kakashi with Kubikirib?ch?


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Kakashi without Kubikirib?ch?


The reason I did this is I got inspired by Tydon's Haku, and saw @'s request for a Kakashi sprite, although Tydon said he'd be unable to or would rather due an ANBU version. So I made this for him. For you, Kakashi(user), feel free to use it in any way you want.


I took the basic sprite, layerred the blue starting shirt/pants/shoes over it, and then the basic Jounin vest over it. I then slimmed down the Jounin Vest shoulders to make it more Kakashi-like. After that I did his signature mask and 'forehead protector over the eye'. After which I did the hair. Im still working on the hair, as well as a version where both have their Sharingans revealed - its really, really hard to do. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.



I'd like to add, if anyone wants to use this base sprite to add hair to it, this would be really useful for any of the old ANBU!(Kakashi, Itachi, ect.) Really, it was supposed to be Itachi, but I just cant do that hair!

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Okay, well, like I said before it needed some work. And so I present to you what should be its final version:


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I finished off shading and fixing his hair, then added Sharingan. After which I changed small details like the wrap around his ankles, detailing his 'ninja pouch, and adding his pulled-back sleeves/armored gloves. It feels so good! Feel free to use it!

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This would be the same thing as the final Kakashi, except his eye is closed, thanks to @Tydon, more realistic to how it is when he reveals his sharingan.


As for @Takezo Kensei, here is a rough draft of Hidan's evolution. He's not quite done, though, as the scythe needs some work. But he's completely ready for use by you.


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I post these up like this in hopes of inspiring other people. As you can see its kind of shitty in the beginning, with that 'horribad' slowly fading into what I consider a decent work at the end. Every sprite has to start shitty and then be worked on for an hour or so(at least by me) with a lot of trial and error and changes before you get it to what you want it to look like.


For Hidan, I took the base sprite and erased its arms, leaving its torso, head, and legs. Then I drew a cloak over it and added some tight-holding arms and hands. Then, I worked on the clouds on the akatsuki cloak and the border in the middle. After that, I openned up his cloak and detailed his chest. Unfortuneatley its impossible to add the Jashin star necklace. Then I put in the difficult neck-forehead protector, and finished with his slicked back hair that falls over his ears and appears below them. The last thing I did was put the scythe on his back and add the rope to it.


Then I went back and decided to do 'Jashin Ritual Mode', first ripping his cloak at all 3 points (lose entire left collar, rip part of right, rip middle-chest area of cloak), then made his skin completely black. After which I added the 'bones' on him and shitty little Jashin Triangle >_<. Takezo, feel free to use them or tell me if you want any changes before you want to use it, as long as you give me credit.

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