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  1. I updated it so that it wouldn't confuse our new players, cheers!
  2. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hello Everyone Sukki Kurama Here I would like to introduce you my Guide for New players and Lazy People So at the start I want to say that I also used another guide like @Ori Sasayaki guide or just guides from other games like World of Warcraft eventually Rune Scape. I want to present it thow I see this because there are many people who ask me about the basics every day, yes I am always willing to help but let's be honest everyone can be tire. So I am here today to present to you my work all opinions mistakes and other, please report in the comments I will gladly hear and correct them. (And I know my English level isnt best but I think everyone will get what I will write there) Base At the beginning, I will present to you and explain the activities of keybinds at NinOnline 1) So basically we have 10 buttons that we can use to cast our skills(Jutsu in game) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0) 2) The next buttons like F1 are used to hide our UI. Shift left or right is used to start running or to switch on walking mode. Basically "Z" is our autoatack "X" is used to Target our opponents and friends, "C" is used to pick up items when we click and to charge Chakra if we hold it. 3) The "I" button is used to open the equipment. The "M" button to open the mission window. The "N" button to open information about our character. The "B" button to open the Bounty Book. The "F" button to open the friends list. If we click enter, we can write on the chat by repeating the Enter button, we close the chat and send a message. How Chat Work's So basically we have 6 chat windows. 1) The first mode is a general chat where we have almost all combat labs. 2) The second mode is a chat map that means we only see chat commonly called / say on a given world cluster 3) The third mode is a village chat which we use with / v can be used once every 30 seconds (we do not have to be in the village to use it) 4) The fourth mode is the chat group of the so-called party chat, only people in your group see it 5) The fifth mode is Combat Log, we see in it the damage we have been given or received, as well as who killed us or whom we killed. 6) The sixth mode is a private chat so-called whisper we have to enter in the window next to the name of the player to whom we write or / r and then send a message to the last person with whom we wrote or wrote to us Before i go further, I mark the ninonline servery are not the most stable thing that you have ever seen in my opinion, I recommend downloading an exitlag or ping zapper because if your internet just suck your ping can reach up to 600 :). I do not use it myself because I have 120/200 ping, I think this ping is good for me. INTERFACE The most important thing in this interface game So now we're going to create character. In fact, there is no greater significance which village you choose (unless roleplay is important to you). Whether you choose Leaf or Sand you will not get any profits from it. Well, maybe one: D the leaf village has hot springs. So think about choosing whether you want to play roleplay or you do not care and choose a village. The choice of sex does not matter either. After you have chosen a village and sex, choose the eyes and hair color. Then you have 3 different outfits, 3 pairs of shirts and 3 pairs of trousers depends on your taste After creating the character there will be a nice short cutscene. You can skip it personally, how many times I create a new character, I always watch it: D. We will start from the Sand village because my travels started there and I have a fondness for it Sand Village And here is your first view of the scenes. You have to go to this jonin and talk to him and then you will see arrows that you follow. Then you will see 4 rooms with arrow marks will be under them enter one of them the order is meaningless, we will start from the Lesson of Knowledge. In the game as well as in the anime or manga we have 8 basic mastery. - Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas - Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. - Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. - Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations - Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. - Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. - Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use equipment like shurikens, kunais, explosive tags and swords, in extraordinary ways. - Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. If you want to know more about these mastery, I recommend you check our wikipedia which we create as players where you will find a lot of information needed to survive and many more. This lesson is followed by the explain of the statistics system in the game. Gre start as a ninja who has passive statistics, i.e. 5 points in strength 5 points in agility 5 points in intelligence 5 points in the chakra 5 points in fortitude If we load, we learn that: -Strength gives us the power of tools (kunais) and the power of weapons (swords or fans) -Intelligence gives us something like the power of skills (improves our damage from jutsu) and the power of tools (shurikens) and better hiding after using the jutsu Cloak -Chakra improves the detection capabilities of ninja in Cloak, and adds power in using medical jutsu. In addition, the power of the tools they are (senbons) (1 point gives us 5 chakras) -Dexterity gives us the speed of cast (it is not profitable if someone would ask) and effectiveness in tai jutsu -Fortitude gives us more life (1 point gives us 10 hp). And finally, the last information we learn from this lesson. Lesson about Zone. Safe zone a place where we are not nearly threatened, that is, we can not lose our Bounty (usually there are villages and maps 2 in each side of the village (excluding the village of missings takumi) Danger zone are places where during death we lose our bounty and can attack our friends from the village if we have pvp on (if someone kills us, we get 1 of 3 strike 3strike = leaving the village without anyone's supervision) War zone are dangerous places but really nothing different from the Danger zone (remember an opponent from another village, regardless of the zone, you can attack even in the village) Bounty Lesson Unfortunately, there come moments when we die and do not die from the monster's hand but from the hand of another player. If we killed someone earlier in the Danger zone, we have bounty. If we die, they are divided by half and donated to the player who killed us On the other hand, there are moments when, however, we spiting on these players and we kill them then we get their bounty which they have When we die, we will appear in the hospital depending on the village or leaf or sand or takumi. We then get a debuff of the Battle injuries which we can not otherwise download as we just wait. If we have this debuff and we will die once again. Bounty will not be taken away or granted to an opponent, nor can we pick him up. Tool Lesson The next test will be Tools lesson. It will rely on the fact that after talking to npc we have to attack boxes against her and grab shurikens from them then use X to target dummy and then use them either from our inventory or from the belt if we put them on (do not collect them 3000 because anyway they disappear when you leave the room) you only need 5 shurikens Combat Lesson Then we will approach the Combat Lesson test. It involves attacking the scroll after talking to the NPC. He will summon mob scorpion. You have to come and attack. Oh yes, your first death, do not be afraid, there will be thousands of them and not millions. You will get your first debuff called BI, which was mentioned above. So we go back to the same room, talk to the NPC again and use the scroll once again, then the duck will be called. Kill her quickly, talk to the NPC and finish. Technique Lesson The final lesson will be Technique lesson. It is based on the fact that after talking with the scroll which will be in front of us, we must open our equipment and learn the cloak scroll YAY our first jutsu and it's free. We charge the chakra if we do not have it (keep C) we put the jutsu on the belt press BOOM, we are not invisible to us. We pass through the scorpions to the NPC on the opposite side of the room. We talk to him and now is the most durable choice. Wait 20 seconds for Cooldown cloaka or just go and get killed by mob (that choice I leave to you) Genin Exam And now the happiest part of the tutorial (this is the tutorial before you really start the real struggle with monsters). So we have the Genin exam left. We enter the room which the arrow on the ground pointed us. We see the NPC we talk with him, he orders us to collect 10 tails from scorpions. Do not worry, those just do not even attack you (or at least do not deal damage). Everyone has a 100% chance that the tail will fall out, so you just have to kill 10 and get picked up then approach this "wall" on the right side of the map attack it shows us that we can go on and now the moment of rehearsal comes. We approach the scroll and talk to him (attack) and a test of 20 questions begins. (if you get through 10 questions including 10 you can even fail it, then you start with 10th questions) I will not give you an answer because it would be a scam to see what you learned during this tutorial. For real you have it is for VERY perceptive people. Do not tell rory because he can murder me for iD) C) A) C) C)A)B)A)B)A)B)D)B)A)B)D)D)A)C)C) D) (another effects) Congratulations, you have been geninami back from the place of our first spawn where we receive our protector. Now I will add you 2 maps of the village which will be very useful for you The first map shows you the spatial style of the map. up left bottom right etc. The second map is a map of all of Sand. It is very useful to look at it a little. Then it is understandable this is the appearance of the basic buildings in the village of Sand We can, of course, in the Kazekage Building, reset our character and start from scratch (as well as change the village). How and also stop our development and stay on the level where we are (you can on the exp once again) When setting the level, I recommend that you collect 1 missions even on the 1st or 2nd level to get money for it (you may need them on level 4 when it comes to int weapons or 5 when it comes to swordsmen). We take this mission in the kazekage building(dont forget you have daily limit 3 missions per day) Earlier I would recommend to press on information to learn a little about it MOBS Here I will give you mobs links with descriptions I have added them myself on the wiki so I will use them LARVA So at the start we have larves. They are mobs that are not too difficult to kill personally, I recommend spending time on them from 1-5 lvl, but let's be honest no one can defend you there until 10. But it will be monotonous and irritating warn me. I recommend collecting everything and selling it either in the store or someone for the mission, so this is the subject of the mission, I recommend to leave at least 40 pieces. Link if you are interested in more I leave here SCORPIONS Scorpion is a monster a little more difficult but if you reach this level 4/5 and buy yourself a weapon will be very easy. Three ordinary attacks are enough and after the scorpion case dies. I also recommend collecting tails from them because they are needed for the mission and you can simply sell them. Link for more info here STINGERS Stingers monster who is a more difficult party than a scorpion. He drops the same scorpion tail, I recommend going there on lvl 7-9. He does not have any skills just beats more and has more hp. DESERT COYOTES Coyote, I recommend going there on level 9-13, you have 2 roads shown on the map much higher. They do not drop anything valuable so any drop just sell. They are slightly stronger than stingers but I do not recommend the escape attack style. Link here These are the basic mobs about which you should concept then the list below: Scarab 13-17lvl Tunnellers 17-20 / 21 Big Scrabs 20 / 21-25 / 26 Snake - 25 / 26- 40 Bears - 40-45 rest dailies or Hosts and Snow Wolfs (if you need more info about mobs up just enter wiki) At the end, remember you will get a mission that will require you to get to Takumi or Konohagure is not easy but you can handle it cloak is your friend later in the post after I finish the leaf side I will add missions that everyone should do because they are they are free big exp for this lvl LEAF VILLAGE Being honest I play this game for a long time and I really outfitted many characters even my main was exp at the beginning in sand. But if I have to be honest the leaf side is a lot nicer and easier it is for sure. If you are not a hardcore player, I recommend choosing this village. I will repeat the basic information if someone accidentally did not read the Sand village's tutorial And here is your first view of the scenes. You have to go to this jonin and talk to him and then you will see arrows that you follow. Then you will see 4 rooms with arrow marks will be under them enter one of them the order is meaningless, we will start from the Lesson of Knowledge. In the game as well as in the anime or manga we have 8 basic mastery. - Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas - Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. - Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. - Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations - Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. - Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. - Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use equipment like shurikens, kunais, explosive tags and swords, in extraordinary ways. - Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. If you want to know more about these mastery, I recommend you check our wikipedia which we create as players where you will find a lot of information needed to survive and many more. This lesson is followed by the explain of the statistics system in the game. Gre start as a ninja who has passive statistics, i.e. 5 points in strength 5 points in agility 5 points in intelligence 5 points in the chakra 5 points in fortitude If we load, we learn that: -Strength gives us the power of tools (kunais) and the power of weapons (swords or fans) -Intelligence gives us something like the power of skills (improves our damage from jutsu) and the power of tools (shurikens) and better hiding after using the jutsu Cloak -Chakra improves the detection capabilities of ninja in Cloak, and adds power in using medical jutsu. In addition, the power of the tools they are (senbons) (1 point gives us 5 chakras) -Dexterity gives us the speed of cast (it is not profitable if someone would ask) and effectiveness in tai jutsu -Fortitude gives us more life (1 point gives us 10 hp). And finally, the last information we learn from this lesson. Lesson about Zone. Safe zone a place where we are not nearly threatened, that is, we can not lose our Bounty (usually there are villages and maps 2 in each side of the village (excluding the village of missings takumi) Danger zone are places where during death we lose our bounty and can attack our friends from the village if we have pvp on (if someone kills us, we get 1 of 3 strike 3strike = leaving the village without anyone's supervision) War zone are dangerous places but really nothing different from the Danger zone (remember an opponent from another village, regardless of the zone, you can attack even in the village) Bounty Lesson Unfortunately, there come moments when we die and do not die from the monster's hand but from the hand of another player. If we killed someone earlier in the Danger zone, we have bounty. If we die, they are divided by half and donated to the player who killed us On the other hand, there are moments when, however, we spiting on these players and we kill them then we get their bounty which they have When we die, we will appear in the hospital depending on the village or leaf or sand or takumi. We then get a debuff of the Battle injuries which we can not otherwise download as we just wait. If we have this debuff and we will die once again. Bounty will not be taken away or granted to an opponent, nor can we pick him up. Tool Lesson The next test will be Tools lesson. It will rely on the fact that after talking to npc we have to attack boxes next to her and grab shurikenys from them. Then use X to target dummy and then use them either from our inventory or from the belt if we put them on (do not collect them 3000 because anyway they disappear when you leave the room) you only need 5 shurikens Combat Lesson Then we will approach the Combat Lesson test. It involves attacking the scroll after talking to the NPC. He will summon mob shadow clone. You have to come and attack. Oh yes, your first death, do not be afraid, there will be thousands of them and not millions. You will get your first debuff called BI, which was mentioned above. So we go back to the same room, talk to the NPC again and use the scroll once again, then the shadow clone but weaker will be called. Kill it quickly, talk to the NPC and finish Technique Lesson The final lesson will be Technique lesson. It is based on the fact that after talking with the scroll which will be in front of us, we must open our equipment and learn the body flicker jutsu scroll YAY our first jutsu and it's free. We charge the chakra if we do not have it (keep C) we put the jutsu on the belt go near the hole then target shisune click jutsu BOOM. We pass through hole to the NPC on the opposite side of the room. We atack him and after her issues we leaving room. Genin Exam And now the happiest part of the tutorial (this is the tutorial before you really start the real struggle with monsters). So we have the Genin exam left. We enter the room which the arrow on the ground pointed us. We see a scroll on board we talk with it and our exam has started a test of 20 questions begins. (if you get through 10 questions including 10 you can even fail it, then you start with 10th questions) I will not give you an answer because it would be a scam to see what you learned during this tutorial. For real you have it is for VERY perceptive people. Do not tell rory because he can murder me for iD) C) A) C) C)A)B)A)B)A)B)D)B)A)B)D)D)A)C)C) D) (another effects) Congratulations, you have been genin back from the place of our 4 lessons room and you will see on middle of room a npc go to him and talk. Yay we receive our protector. Now I will add you 2 maps of the village which will be very useful for you The first map shows you the spatial style of the map. gora left bottom right etc. The second map is a map of all of Sand. It is very useful to look at it a little. Then it is understandable this is the appearance of the basic buildings in the village of Leaf We can, of course, in the Kazekage Building, reset our character and start from scratch (as well as change the village). How and also stop our development and stay on the level where we are (you can on the exp once again) When setting the level, I recommend that you collect 1 missions even on the 1st or 2nd level to get money for it (you may need them on level 4 when it comes to int weapons or 5 when it comes to swordsmen). We take this mission in the kazekage building(dont forget you have daily limit 3 missions per day) Earlier I would recommend to press on information to learn a little about it MOBS Here I will give you mobs links with descriptions I have added them myself on the wiki so I will use them LARVA So at the start we have larves. They are mobs that are not too difficult to kill personally, I recommend spending time on them from 1-5 lvl, but let's be honest no one can defend you there until 10. But it will be monotonous and irritating warn me. I recommend collecting everything and selling it either in the store or someone for the mission, so this is the subject of the mission, I recommend to leave at least 40 pieces. Link if you are interested in more I leave here Spiderling Spiderling is a monster a little more difficult but if you reach this level 4/5 sit here till 9 and buy yourself a weapon will be very easy. Three ordinary attacks are enough and after the scorpion case dies. I also recommend collecting tails from them because they are needed for the mission and you can simply sell them. Link for more info here Wolf Coyote, I recommend going there on level 9-13, you have just 1 spawn you can see it on the map much higher. They do not drop anything valuable so any drop just sell. They are slightly stronger than stingers but I do not recommend the escape attack style. Link here These are the basic mobs about which you should concept then the list below: Tigers 13-17lvl Bee's 17-20 / 21 Rats 20 / 21-25 / 26 Snake - 25 / 26- 40 Bears - 40-45 rest dailies or Hosts and Snow Wolfs (if you need more info about mobs up just enter wiki) At the end, remember you will get a mission that will require you to get to Takumi or Konohagure is not easy but you can handle it cloak is your friend later in the post after I finish the leaf side I will add missions that everyone should do because they are they are free big exp for this lvl Jutsu and their levels As it was mentioned before, we have 8 mastery so the 8 mastery has its own jutsu here, and the list of screenshots from tier 1 to tier 3 as well as to hidden jutsu. And Scrolls Mandatory missions for everyone What can I say, as I mentioned earlier, these are the most important missions we have, they give a large amount of experience and are not difficult at all, just know how to do them, so let's start. Benkei's Tools lvl 10 The first mission will be benki's tools it is a mission that is located in the takumi you need to find tools for the beneath quest worthy of fast and efficient candles. His tools can be found on the akatsuki base map. l Thats Benki's house its on the left corner of map in takumi This is Benkei This is mission and this is place you just need to talk with tools map name is Mysterious Rock Wall its after River Bank map. HIDE & SEEK lvl 4 Next mission unfortunately just for leaf's so after the kids are gone we're going to the hokage building. We go to the left we have academies and we go upstairs at the top on the ground will be a black sign we go in it we go to the bottom of the gate we will look to the left stands the child we talk with him we go back there the same way the second is to the left of the police checkpoints near the houses and the third is in the hot springs on the left under the roof Hidden Seals Missions Since then, I have only 300kb of space to put anything in, so the pictures can be small: D (very small) Sand lvl 10 We take missions from the scroll in Sand village to the right of the theater. I recommend starting from the left side of the map to collect the seal I do not know, I always did it. The first one is on the stone on the left from the bottom on the Desert Oasis map. The second one is on Sand Hive Grounds on the lower cliff. The third one is in the upper left corner of the Desert Warzone in the shell. The fourth is in the lower right corner of Desert Warzone. Piata is a desert road on a cactus map in front of the big desert. we are going back to the village of Sandu and we are giving the quest and we are 10k without bless 15k with a forward blessing mission from 10 lvl Leaf Seals lvl 10 When it comes to Seal missions in the village of Leaf. It is very easy to go first to the tavern or another not important. We talk to the guy who sits there telling stories and talking about seals. leaving the building immediately, we turn right after the market is 1 seal (you may need a relog because a buggnieta is a bake). The second seal is located at the weapon shop (you have it on the map) is exactly above the seller you have to go through the house and unlock it (again you will need a relog). The third one is on the river from a weapon soldier, we go left and enter the bridge (the anime resembles the one on which Sasuke practiced his first jutsu clan uchiha great fireball jutsu) and going to the river we go right to the bridge on the wall is taking off and go to the hospital . At the hospital, we have a house with "closed doors", we attack them then the knock "knock" emoticon comes out, we end up entering the center and there is a seal there. We're going back to another, we're picking up the next 10 free quest with the k exp. seal unlocks you rats in the sewers. You will find the entrance where the last seal. I leave a link if someone does not feel something Snake Quest lvl 20 Snake mission is a mission that allows us to enter the 2nd level of snakes. This is a mission worth doing because let's be honest 1 floor snakes is tedious even for the best by a small space while floor 2 has a lot of space and mobs 2 lvl higher that the kit less beating. So, we go through Floor 1 and go to the top and left we meet an NPC called KO, we talk to him, he gives us missions to bring 100 venoms. The situation seems unrealistic how to get 100 venoms if we do not even have a way to farm it. As of today, I do not do it 1 venom is 10 ryo or 15 ryo. Just collect enough and buy these 100 pieces and this can be obtained in 2 3 days after you have 20 in the missions themselves. Finally, we got these venoms and give them to the NPC and if we have Jutsu Body flicker we can go to floor 2, we get enough reward free 20 / 30k expa and we are happy. And today it will be the end, unfortunately, if most probably even the most will not read it all but well. If there is any constructive criticism here, he will gladly confront you. I am asking for advice if I made a mistake somewhere, no one is perfect and the gold is those who want to help, not those who only complain. I really owe this screen knowledge to my clan, thank you that they spent a little time getting tired and helping me it took me 4 days to make screenshots, etc + 5h of writing and thinking how glue it together. and I can not even put it all because the ninja forum does not allows through too little space. Thank you again and look forward to your comments. (I forgot to mention the first person who will find here a easter egg and send me a screen and he will be the right one to win 1k ryo Have fun)(screens please send under post ) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************************************************************