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Ninja Bio


Name: Luxis Uchiha

Age:  14 

Family: Tengoku Uchiha (Tengoku)

Biography:  Luxis was born to a family of three; his parents and older brother, becoming a family of four. It was a happy time for the family of four; described by Luxis his most happiest memory he could look back in his entire life.  He, along his older brother, Tengoku had found a childhood friend in a member of the also same clan; Inojin who at the time had sought to become a medic and later on desired to aid the brothers in their fights. Many years had passed since Luxis enrolled into the academy school with his older brother in an advanced class than him, at the same time; his parents was on a mission to Takumi to scout the rogues however due of a unfortunate circumvention;  their parents was murdered by a member of Takumi village in cold blood.  Deathmall, at the time were the one who had discovered the bodies during one of his missions and was the one who had to break the news to the brothers that their parents had died but not in veins;  He informed the brothers that they had died for a good cause; to protect the Leaf Village and the brothers from danger- at that same time, his older brother asked him if he could train him and Luxis so they could become strong and aid the Leaf Village like their parents.  Because of their loss, they sought for power to protect the village, and also each other. 

Personality: Who is Luxis? Well, unlike his older brother, he is a genin with a couple of flaws to a fault that it can cause issues with his brother. He like to observe people in action whenever it may be; a sparring or a teaching moment even to a point he'd almost risk his own life just to observe a death match between the Konoagakure no sato and Takumi village. Furthermore,  he tend to mess up on his techniques when fighting opponents, even wasted his chakra more often than the hits land. Luxis believed that, with his older brother, they may obtain what they had desired for; strength to protect each other and their allies in their native village.