
Gold Ninja
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Status Updates posted by Drendy

  1. I am depressed. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drendy


      Oh it will, I am sure of it. Why school? I mean I am in college, it is kinda depressing but still it's something you gotta go through if you want to have a bit more knowledge for the future you.

    3. Ayako


      Yea. I'm in high school (in Poland) and sometimes I just want to get over with it and kill myself. But I also know that knowledge is really important and I need to graduate this school even if teachers wants to kill me with a lot of tests in one week (I have 5 in actual week) Try to find way how to relax (instead of Nin for now) because it's very important part of studying.

    4. Drendy


      Take it easy, do your best and forget about everything else. That's all lol. Helps me a lot if I think that way.

  2. As I look at the game and website I see plenty of potential. Hopefully you wont be able to master three natures, if you will it will be given to only a few people. I cannot wait to see this community get bigger and not lose sight of what was set as the goal.

    1. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Giving it only to few people would be very bad for balance and according to Naruto lore having learn 3 elements was common trait among jonins  

    2. Drendy


      If that's true then I must re-watch it again:D but I was pretty sure I recall Kakashi or Yamato tell Naruto when he was training that it's pretty hard to get three elements. Most ninjas have two at most. If I am wrong, sorry. I'll watch it over again.

  3. Very hyped for the game. Cannot wait!

    1. Shirou


      Yes you can. :P

    2. Drendy


      lol you know what I mean :P

  4. Till I get my character my profile pick will be the skull I suppose.

  5. I wish for the quicker recovery to all those which aren't well. Partly because I care about the game, and partly because I care about persons. :D