
Gold Ninja
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    Seishinkai to Yami

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  1. I just upgraded to a 980ti, it runs Nin Online like a beast.
  2. Flint

    Cash Shop FAQ

    I don't think a few + stat points are going to have that much of an effect on the Chuunin outcome. I guess if someone won and had that 10 HP remaining from the +1 Fortitude on something they bought... who knows.
  3. Flint


    Ah, thank goodness. I won't have to RP the wind rippling through my hair and every retraction and extension of my arm when I punch. Makes it a lot easier and a lot less stressful. Staying in character is easy than RP'ing every action.
  4. Flint


    I'll be honest here. I've never seen Naruto. I've played some of the BYOND games that focused more on the end of PvP, and the concepts have always intrigued me. The only anime I've ever been able to sit down and watch was Dragonball Z. I hope to pull up some Naturo episodes on Hulu, as I understand Nin Online is going to be employing RP elements. I'm unsure how exactly the characters end up doing their regular martial arts, Taijutsu? I believe it's called. I hope that maybe I can bring a fresh RP experience to the game, being I'm highly ignorant to the world, but also highly interested. Since our characters begin in training, I suppose I'll just need a tad bit more to get up to speed. I've been role playing in MUDs for quite a few years, so I'm pretty familiar with staying in character. What I'm curious about, is how much are we going to have to RP out, and how much will be mechanical? I know in some mediums you have to log everything and send if in to advance. I suppose I may find that out as I explore the forums some more, but I just wanted to say hello.