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Drops and Drop Ownership



This is literally just a way of further eliminating the players which I have started to title as 'Hunters' due to the fact they wait for the perfect time and steal drops from players who killed the mobs in the first place. It is common knowledge to most serious and casual MMO gamers that your drops are under your ownership until a timer runs out, which allows others to take your drops from you.. if you even wanted them. I'm only personally suggesting that we add a drop timer or drop proximity which makes it so you can't pick up drops that are near the player who caused them to drop or under the 'timer'. If this makes sense to anyone, considering I'm half-sleep... It just means no more DSers.

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This is a good idea thats common in most MMO's. But an added feature to your idea would also be interesting. Players with bounties on their heads could take your stuff regardless of your timer. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. A player who wants to kill you simply because, is unable to pick up you drops for an unspecified duration. I wonder when players are killed if they drop anything also.

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So three seconds is enough time? Did Rory add instant transmission into the game?

Yeah, teleportation would be great for places that you've already visited. Saves time and effort for lazy ninjas like me. But it should require a great deal of Chakra to make up for its convenience. 

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