R a y l e i g h

Silver Ninja
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  1. Imagine the thrill in my head going "the flap" when seeing an e-mail that this topic has been replied to.
  2. Oh really man, you don't say.. reviving a post from 2021
  3. My demands: 1. a server that wipes approx every year. 2. exp rate which you have with the blessing, and of course the real blessing will be 1.5x that 3. flap your crazy drop rates, give me a task but respect my time. 4. yes, allow multiclienting, flap trying to stop people from using workarounds, they will hunt if they have people and time. My life: I have work from 8-17 to support my family. What is left of my time, I have to keep my apartment clean, I have to cook, I have to workout. My wife requires my attention, I have school on the side of my job. There is a small window in which I can play a little or do some me time, entertainment, I sure as heck won't come here even though I'd wish to, it simply is not fun or respecting the little time I've got. I'd rather play something fun that is actually rewarding. Now you may come in with the, oh Nin is hardcore blablabla... That's an outdated view, give me a fun flaping game and I'll play it, and so will others.
  4. It would make it easier for the person with limited time, sure. It would also make it seem like there's more players online, lol. Has the game really come to this point it would have to use these measures? A polished bug free game which runs smooth is much appreciated, but it also has to be fun. A dude like me will rather play a unpolished piece of shit running around in Kyuubi mode while using Cursed Seal rasenganing the shit out of everyone in my way while burning the world down with my amaterasu,
  5. You need to download the whole SDK instead of the Core https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 Man, I don't even play Nin, but the community doesn't even bother to help these dudes lol
  6. OG narutards who participated in the Golden Era of BYOND when Shippuuden just released have become old. The numbers don't lie, the wave passed a long time ago. Back then I'd play the crappiest BYOND game out there as long as it was Naruto. There is a key, but the lock refuses to witness it so the water became stagnant.
  7. I understand you would like to cheat in the casino, as many people do, but this is not a moral, nor the right thing to do in the eyes of God. Today, in a few hours I shall pray for all of your souls who have been gambling and cheating in the casino. Satan is controlling you guys and this needs to stop right now.
  8. My armpits smell like cheese

  9. Hey, how about we make it so that it authorizes for a period of 4 hours or so instead of having to constantly press the authorize button in that pop up window each time. And if you wanna switch accounts, you can just log out in the browser ykno But yeah, I'm feelin like this process could be alot quicker, some other games got it like this too if you auth with google, it just does the thing by itself pretty much
  10. I have turned in two toad quests with no bless and it flaping hurts because it automatically completes the damn quest without your input at least let us say that "Hello Mr. Ribbit, "I did the thing." in dialogue so if you wanna talk with the NPC or something it doesn't jump to the assumption cause who in the flap wants to complete a mission without bless, it needs at least some dialogue wether you wanna tell the NPC that you have done it or not. Because 120 000 * 1.5 is 180 000 = 60 000 exp I lost cause I was looking for another quest to do while I planned to wait for a bless. Same thing for the mission NPC I guess Yes I am frustrated while writing this, yes I do feel like a dumbass for losing exp twice like this, but guys like me is why they put safety mechanisms on guns LITERALLY ME: *Logs*, "Ooo, I'll talk with this toad", BAM, Mission COmPleTeD - FUUuUUuuUuUuuUCK
  11. I agree, it would be nice to know how long it is lasting because you can utilize your ninja skills to their full potential, without having to play roulette with the maplock when it's time to be escaping.