Shadow Sage

Gold Ninja
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Posts posted by Shadow Sage

  1. My 2 cents are this, if you have mental health issues..  The internet is not a good place for you to be chillen, its a cold ruthless void that only attracts the worst out of people..  I suggest a healthy diet of smoking herb and trying to balance the imbalance in your brain..  



    Dr Pervy Sage

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  2. 51 minutes ago, Tartarus said:

    A lot of people here are saying things, and essentially trying to say "Why not just pick out those who abused the exploit, and punish them!" but it's not that easy..

    Also I would like to add this is beta, it's our job as players during this beta to test the mechanics of the new features added and report our findings to the staff. I was testing how the mechanics for this new feature was and reported my findings, you could do your shared missions past the daily limit. This is alarming when some missions for lvl 30+ players can reach over 200+k. I noticed a group of players constantly doing this mission over and over. So I contacted staff about the specifics behind this new feature to find out you are only suppose to be able to do 3 missions a day regardless if it's shared or a mission you get from r n g gods. If those people repeating steal documents were left unchecked they would have been level 50 by today. And trust me these aren't the people you want being 50 while we are stuck catching up. 

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  3. The Sand have a mission requiring us to go to the snakes and get 30 venoms, so those of us unlucky enough to get that mission HAVE to go to that spot and farm snakes..

    As long as the only snakes in the game are at the ONE spot this conflict will never end, we will have people fighting over that spot on a personal level and then as we have seen in the past that personal conflict turns into one involving people that have nothing to do with it..

    People seem to get attacked by specific people and then hold entire villages at fault for the actions of a few, this then expands the conflict because people have friends that are will to stick up and fight for them..  This in turn ends up breeding more conflict because those friends have friends so on and so fourth..

    How do we solve this issue then?

    Giving a snake spawn in Sand and giving the leaf a NPC that is similar to big scarabs in the Leaf, this will balance the spawns and leaf can stay in there cave and farm and sand can stay in there cave and farm..  

    Having played open world pvp games in the past(Age of Wushu) this problem will only get worse from here and the divide between the sand and the leaf will grow further, the community will then become toxic filled with hatred for someone just because they are in a certain village..  Having only 1 spawn will always conflict between the 2 sides fighting to control it..  If it was designed to have this effect then I suggest this:

    No Truce at the Snakes, simple as that.. You wanna duke it out with people over that spot, keep it at that spot..  Dont go around swinging your epeen killing lowbie to prove how strong you are..  Dont let the actions of a few high level people that have nothing better todo then start drama and pvp ruin the game for new players just trying to figure out how to play..

    If you want to have big battles fight them in the war zones provided, or you know out in the empty giant desert map..  Raiding lowbie zones says ALOT about the people that are doing it..  Dont get me wrong I had fun in these fights and really enjoy pvp, but maybe all you children needed a adult perspective on the situation..

    • Like 4
  4. what happened out by the Tunnelers and Wolves today was a skirmish at best, I had younger ninja saying that leaf were attacking them..  So i chased one back to the birdge and 1 v 3 another group till i killed there medic and they ran away..  They were chasing a lowbie Sand ninja that was almost dead..  So looks like the leaf needs to relay this to there newer ninja as well.. I will do my part in relaying this to as many sand ninja as I can, also on my main I am friendly with the leaf village and have not attacked a single player on that character..  


    Also in my opinion if your being attacked you have every right to defend yourself.  Usually avoiding any damage from most players is really easy, so conflict doesnt always have to be the outcome..

    With the truce in place, players that want to PK people from other villages will use ANY excuse to get around the truce and PK people..  


    But White Fang is a Sand Elite Assassin, it is our job to protect the Sand Village and its Ninja regardless of who the enemy is..  You most likely took this while I was still on mission for tunnelers..  I usually zone out when doing those missions and dont even remember seeing this.. lol

  5. Funny this offer of a truce comes directly after a 10+ ninja invasion of the Sand Village..  Look it was a ton of fun, but the trash talking that was done by the leaf was a bit pathetic..  They come in with a Zerg all lvl 20+ and attack 5-6 Sand Ninja that were mostly high teens in lvl and run there mouths like they are something to behold... LOL  I even dropped Artwork with BI on at lvl 16...  I dont mind having competitive pvp between the villages but annoying childish trash talking when you out number us and out level us and still had casualties is laughable at best..  Leaf need to grow up, yes sand has newer players that do not visit the forums, but us elder sand members constantly try to relay this message of a truce to other players..  But I see leaf ninja running there gums in the land of wind telling us sand ninja what todo or not do, your going down or ill die trying..  Then say good fight at the end like a adult..

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Keyui said:

    You're kind of correct. You see missing ninjas will mist out things that only village ninjas can do, but same should go for village ninjas. Missing ninja should be worth going for. I mean you would literally want to become missing not because of just killing random people, but because of the content that you can access when you become missing. It has to be something worth going for.

    Im sure they have content in the works for Missing Ninja, I plan to make a character that will go rogue eventually..  But like you said if it lacks content at the moment, I will wait for the content..  Not go rogue knowing there is barely content for them yet then get impatient that there is no content..

  7. 17 minutes ago, Logic Uchiha said:

    So.....Missing nins Dailys still broken and now we locked away from more content......


    And ontop of that because you decided to create a RP like truce with Sand, Missing nins are even more hunted then they was before @.@

    I understand the frustration, but being a Missing Ninja kinda suggests you will miss out on things people in the villages get to participate in, no??  Not to mention in the show they were never welcomed with open arms as well..

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  8. Just completed my first RP Mission led by Konahri, it was a blast!  Filled with Mild RP, lessons/advice and some pvp duels..  It was a great introduction for people new to RP to learn the ropes and have fun while earning xp..  Best update of the game so far since ive been playing.. and im not even a RPer.

  9. 1 minute ago, Rory said:

    This is the first time in my life I've heard people asking for exams!

    I would love to be apart of that, and would welcome the chance to help with these new RP missions as well..  If I didnt have to make a alt to get weapon master(Mischief), I would be a much better level to try and pass them..  But I will train hard and hopefully be at a decent level when they happen..