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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2020 in Posts

  1. As i was casually taking the opportunity Ueda provided us, to expand my collection of green items, suddenly my fellow medics hit me with those heretical (and clearly not very nin-christmas-event-sprited) words: For... THERE... IS NEVER... TOO MUCH... GREEEEEEEEEEEN! ...but those words kinda sink in, and kept bugging me. So instead of running from my destiny, I've decided to embrace it. However we all know there can be only one Grinch, and the spot has already been taken... So in display of true nin-christmas-event sprit - we talked this through. With a gun. What can i say? Future is now, old man. Don't bring bare fists to a gunfight. Obligatory ninja info card. PS. Can we have green gloves item added, please.
    1 point
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